Lochhead Manufacturing Company
Welcome to the home of Premium Cold Extracted vanilla extracts and vanilla flavors
For four generations, Lochhead Manufacturing Company has produced the finest quality vanillas available. We produce a full line of premium vanilla extracts, organic vanilla extracts, all-natural vanilla flavors, natural and artificial vanilla blends, and concentrated artificial vanillas.
As a company, our goals are clear. First, we provide our customers with the highest quality vanilla extracts and flavors in the market today. Second, we work directly with our customers to determine which one of our hundreds of vanilla blends is right for their application. Third, we treat every customer with the care and respect they deserve. Whether you are seeking a vanilla for a premium vanilla ice cream, fresh frozen custard, soy milk, or vanilla granola bar, we have the right vanilla for you.
We have also broadened our line of extracts to include Almond Extract, Peppermint Extract, Orange Extract, and Lemon Extract, along with other new flavors we are developing to serve our customers better. We welcome the opportunity to have you see and taste why Lochhead vanillas are truly the best!
The Lochhead Brothers,